Nokia IMEI checker is based on the IMEI number that you provide.
Thanks to our checker you will get information about the important data like: what model is it, the warranty (is it active or not), when was your device produced and is it network locked. That is not all however. The service provides additional information like, product code, when and where was it activated and many more. You don't need to worry about any payments, because this service is free and can be used for any Nokia model. You can check old Nokias, the ones that were created when Microsoft took control as well as newest models created by HMD Global.
What is needed for check IMEI? You need to type in IMEI number.
IMEI : 35317711000xxxx
IMEI2 : 35317711001xxxx
Product type : TA-1196
Product name : Nokia 7.2
Product code : 6810AA001045
Sales package code : 6830AA002184
Software version : T1.1
Ship to country : BE
Ship to customer : 114223S99
Sold to country : BE
Sold to customer : 114223
Shipment date : 2020-06-20 13:37:29.0000000 +08:00
Activation country : BE
Activation date : 07/15/2020 22:02:19
Is simlocked : N
Care flags Name : Follow instructions for 2nd source camera in KH2
Remove_warranty : 1
Start_ts : 2020-06-25T10:58:30.1700000Z
Care service Available : NO