Sony bought Bungie the console wars start again

Not long ago we provided information about Microsoft buying Activision Blizzard company.

Sony was left with nothing people said, but they were very wrong.

The japanese company didn't want to be left behing so they start their own shopping spree, starting with Bungie.

That is correct the famous company that gave us Halo and Destiny are now part of the Sony family.

You don't need to worry however, because Sony has already announced that all Bungie games, old and new, will be multiplatform.

The console wars have started again, but this time it isn't about exclusive games, but exclusive companies, which is very bad for all gaming fans.

The problem is that both companies have focuesd on aquiring more companies, than creating better products.

What happens next is yet to see, but we know that this wasn't the last company to fall in these wars.

Oh and Sony paid 3,6 billion dollars, which is a huge price and shows how desperate the Sony company is right now in the fight against Microsoft.