PS5 works fine even with the slowest SSD drives?

Digital foundry a british company created a very interesting test.
As we all know after the newest system update the PS5 console can use an external SSD drvices to increase the memory available for games and other apps.

The problem for many users is the price of the recommended SSD drives. However thanks to Digital foundry a british company we get to see what happens when you connect the slowest available SSD drive to your PS5. In short it looks really good.

The company used Western Digital SN750 SE drive which works with 3200 MB/s which is not enought to work with PS5 as Sony claims.

However during the tests something unexpected happened. The drive not only did work, but it worked really well.
Compared to more pricey models the drive was only a bit slower. It was not as a huge gap that many of us expected.

The company used a game named Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart which is quite challenging and needs majority of the console power.

The game was running a bit slower, but not all the time and not that obvious. The company claims that it was slover by a second or two in given moments which is very impressive.

Digital foundry didn't however test the copy speed from the main drive to the external one, which might be a lot worse than the gaming test.

Also newer more demending games might work even worst so the given test shows current games only and how they work.